At Calamo Press, we are not afraid to publish controversial books.

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Coming February 18, 2025

Drive through rural America and you’ll see small town after small town empty and decaying.  As you drive past the abandoned manufacturing plants and shuttered Victorian homes once inhabited by its workers and executives, you can picture what the town was like forty years ago. A thriving community where the company president and assembly line worker went to the same church and whose children went to the same school.

But what if we could reclaim this America?

In Spencer Morrison’s provocative new book, Reshore: How Tariffs Will Bring Our Jobs Home and Revive the American Dream, Morrison argues that the strong manufacturing base that was long the cornerstone of a strong middle class, healthy economy and thriving country can be revived. Its disappearance was a
choice – one made by elites who only cared about their bottom dollar - to export our jobs and our wealth abroad.

The all-too-predictable result is that Americans are poorer than they have ever been. And the cultural consequences could hardly be more profound. At an alarming rate, Americans are swapping healthy foods for highly processed foods, replacing high quality appliances and household items with imported cheap, low-quality goods and are becoming renters instead of homeowners. Because we are poorer, fewer of us are getting married and having children. In the hopelessness that abounds in rural America, more are turning to drugs.

How can this horrific reality be reversed, argues Morrison? Tariffs!

Reshore dispels the common misconceptions that free traders, libertarians and too many “conservatives” use to scare the American people about tariffs. It is vital reading for Americans ready to once again put America first and rebuild the America our founders left us. 


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Today’s Left endlessly preaches the evils of “gun violence.” Calls for “radical non-violence” and “gun control” are endowed with the imprimatur of religious doctrine.  

What if the truth were radically different? What if the use of deadly force against violent criminals and tyrannical governments is not just compatible with church teaching, but flows from the very heart of biblical faith and reason? What if the freedoms we treasure are intimately tied to the power to resist violent coercion by intolerant governments? 

This is the long-overdue case John Zmirak makes with stunning clarity and conviction in No Second Amendment, No First. A Yale-educated Christian journalist and former college professor, Zmirak shows how the right of self-defense against authoritarian government was confirmed in both the Old and New Testaments, is implied in Natural Law, and has been affirmed by Church tradition over the centuries.  

He further reveals how today’s threats to gun rights, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment, are the inexorable result of increasingly brazen attacks by secularists on human dignity as the “image of God.” From Lenin’s Russia to Hitler’s Germany, from Mao’s China to Chavez’s Venezuela, to the streets of lawless “blue cities” in America in the summer of 2020 , the story is unchanging: the first move of authoritarians is to deny citizens the ability to defend themselves against the government. 



How is it that overnight the America we grew up in has become all but unrecognizable? How did the greatest nation on earth turn into a snake pit of bitterness and acrimony? How did our government come to make war on the very liberties – of speech, thought, religion – it was created to defend: Why has our justice system become a blatant instrument of partisan injustice? Why are entire generations so ignorant of the ideals that made this country a beacon for all humankind they reflexively denounce America as a hellscape of indecency and oppression?

The answer: Barack Obama.

Everything he did as the nation’s chief executive was by design. The only surprise is the astonishing extent to which his pledge to “fundamentally transform America” succeeded, and with what astonishing speed.

In fact, is still succeeding, as under the shadow presidency of Joe Biden, Obama continues to wield greater power than any ex-president in history.

In Racism, Revenge and Ruin, Scott McKay tells the story with uncompromising honesty, insight and gallows humor, charting Obama’s story from childhood to his current status as Democratic saint. He shows how by guile, dishonesty, ruthlessness – and, yes, surface charm – as well as boundless support from a starstruck media, a man with without prior achievement and despite connections to some of the most notorious figures in American life, was able to reach the nation’s highest office; and then abuse his power for ends wholly alien to the American creed.

McKay further establishes, how, in what he terms Obama’s Third Term, he and his collaborators in the Deep State went on to largely undermine Donald Trump’s presidency; and, under Biden, how he and his have proven ever more brazen in their crushing of basic American freedoms; indeed, how even now they are moving to secure Democratic control of the federal government into the foreseeable future.

Racism, Revenge and Ruin is about what we have gone through in the years since the malign figure of Barack Obama appeared on the national scene, and what we face going forward. It is clarion call for those who cherish our freedoms to resist those ongoing encroachments of Obama and Obamaism. 

Written by a physician who witnessed first-hand the crash of a failing and politicized system into a pandemic, First Do No Harm is a must-read for those who care about their health and that of their loved ones.

The truth is that even before COVID-19, the US healthcare system was suffering from falling standards - COVID-19 merely amplified and publicized pre-existing problems.

Our entire healthcare system is rotten, and that decay now extends to individual doctors who blindly do what they're told instead of thinking critically. For your health and that of your loved ones, read this book!


Like other vivid, first-person accounts of gruesome history-in-the-making – Madame de Stael’s Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution, John Reed’s account of the 1917 Bolshevik seizure of power, William L. Shirer  on the rise of the Nazis – J.J. Sefton’s The End of America: 100 Days That Shook the World will be read by our grandchildren as a great cautionary tale about the fragility of our republic, and the great evil of which human beings are capable. That is, if they – and we – are lucky.

No attorney in America chooses his clients more carefully than Will Tripp. Intrepid and swashbuckling, the dwarf lawyer represents only those who've run afoul of mindless PC and its noxious enforcers.

Sadly, business has never been better, the despised and cancelled streaming into his office daily, refugees from the new totalitarianism.

After years battling social justice zealots at former institutions of higher learning, woke C.E.O.'s and thug bureaucrats wielding freedom-crushing diktats, Will has seen it all. Naked contempt for free thought. Sick-making self righteousness. Bottomless moral cowardice. He figures nothing can surprise him.

Then he gets to Hollywood.

In The Antifa: Stories from Inside the Black Bloc, Posobiec recounts his firsthand experiences infiltrating their 2016 meetings, where they planned their attack on Trump's inauguration, to going undercover in Seattle's CHAZ in 2020. Posobiec uncovers the secret history of this radical anarchist group and follows their trail from their earliest days in Weimar Germany, to the battlefields of Syria, to within the borders of the Western Civilization they seek to destabilize.

The Memo is the riveting account of Rich Higgins taking the red pill over the course of his twenty years inside the Deep State -- and how that experience led him to recognize, before anyone else, the ferocity of Donald Trump's enemies, how embedded they were within the administration and how far they would go to destroy him. Convinced Trump was the right person at the right time, Higgins sounded the alarm with chilling prescience and paid for it with his job. But few have ever been more fully vindicated by events, or history.


In How to Bag a RINO 23-year old Zach Werrell and 24-year old Gray Delany reveal in detail the stunning primary defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Shown by his own polling to be leading by 34 points in the Virginia district he’d represented fourteen years, outspending little-known primary opponent Dave Brat 40-1, Cantor – widely presumed to be the next Speaker – was crushed by eleven points.

They explain how it was achieved, and why it is a model for similar insurgent GOP campaigns across America as grassroots Republicans fight to take back their party, and the country.

In Architects of Disaster, Pete Hoekstra, the former chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, tells the real story behind the tragic events in Benghazi and the Obama Administration's disastrous foreign policy catastrophe in Libya. Architects of Disaster documents the role played by an inexperienced president and a politicized U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton in turning a stable North African country into a failed jihadist state spreading terrorism throughout the Middle East and releasing a flood of fearful immigrants onto the Mediterranean and into Europe.


Will Tripp is a sardonic, profane, no BS lawyer who’s devoted his career to fighting lunatic leftists and obnoxious PC enthusiasts everywhere. He is also a dwarf, which he uses to befuddle and disarm his victim-obsessed opponents at every turn.

In Will Tripp: Pissed Off Attorney-at-Law, the introductory book in the series, Will finds himself in a fight to the death with a powerful and ruthless superstar feminist professor at an elite college and the pathetically wimpy administrators who’ve allowed her silence and destroy the career of anyone with the guts to oppose her.

This book will surely appall academics at such places, and the always-ready-to-be-offended elsewhere, but it will delight and entertain everyone else.



Today’s publishing industry, like the media and entertainment culture, reflects a far too narrow spectrum of beliefs and voices. At Calamo Press, we aim to broaden the conversation with books that will stimulate, enlighten, entertain and, in this difficult and dangerous time, perhaps even provoke readers to reexamine their underlying assumptions.

In short, our aim is to help enable the full and robust conversation that the self certain and censorious would shut down; to tell the truth in the face of those determined to control the narrative; and to enable interesting and innovative writers and thinkers to receive the attention they deserve.

We know we are in the midst of a war for the freedom to express ourselves without fear of retribution, and we at Calamo are determined to do our bit to win it.


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